Accreditation is a review of the quality of universities, educational institutes, vocational institutions, colleges, schools, distance learning centres, lifelong learning centres, online courses, corporations, agencies, professionals, and instructors. Globally, accreditation is a primary way for students, families, government officials, and the press to know that an institution or program provides quality education.
Accreditation can be either institutional or programmatic. It is a voluntary, comprehensive, and objective process of external peer review to determine whether an institution or program meets the standards of the accrediting body in terms of institutional and/or educational quality and effectiveness. The IAOMM provides institutional accreditation for its members.
The accreditation status of a college, school, university, distance learning centre, or program is important for several reasons:
Accreditation is a complex subject. “Informing the Public About Accreditation” aims to reduce this complexity and provide the public with answers to these basic questions: What is accredited? Why is accreditation important?
Universities, educational institutes, vocational institutions, colleges, schools, distance learning centres, lifelong learning centres, online courses, corporations, agencies, professionals, and instructors are accredited. Globally, schools, colleges, universities, and distance learning centres are accredited by one of hundreds of international accrediting organizations. Programs are accredited by various programmatic accrediting organizations.
The Database of Institutions and Programs Accredited by IAOMM contains information about thousands of institutions and programs worldwide, with links to the websites of these institutions.
When using the database: To learn about a specific school, college, university, or distance learning centre, go to the Accredited Members Directory page and type in the name of the institution. To learn about an institution in a specific country, type in the name of the country.
Accreditation is important because it assures the public, especially prospective students, that an education provider meets global education quality standards.
Prospective students often feel insecure accessing the international market when they need to measure the quality of a foreign education provider against standards known to them (set by their own country). IAOMM accreditation may provide a global education quality reference not limited or constrained by local regulations or idiosyncrasies.
The comprehensive compilation of institutions provided by the European ENIC-NARIC Network (National Academic Recognition Information Centres) and the UNESCO IAU (International Association of Universities) is usually limited to traditional universities recognized by their respective Ministry of Education. What about higher education initiatives and institutions that do not fit this category? What about those offering innovative pedagogical approaches, unrecognized programs of study, or those responding to current global market demands? IAOMM accreditation becomes the best way to endorse them.
In a global market, accreditation takes many forms. The perception of government accreditation as the “gold standard” overlooks the significant impact that many international schools have on the future of global higher education. The question is not who or what accredits the school, but rather, how much accreditation does the school need? Institutions of higher learning should consider not adding more local accreditations in their home nation, but adopting a truly international accreditation standard that serves the global market arena.
Accreditation Types
Important Notice: Full / Online Accreditation does not include the institution’s programs with a curriculum. To get accreditation for your programs, you must apply for Program Accreditation for each program after applying for Full/Online Accreditation.
The International Association for Online and Mixed Mode Education (IAOMM) has established itself as one of the most credible accreditation agencies globally. Through IAOMM, hundreds of institutes have received accreditation based on the quality of education they provide, without bias regarding location or financial standing. The Points Profile System and representatives worldwide ensure credibility. The three-step process is as follows:
Institutes submit their applications via and get a free consultation from one of our secretariat representatives. Once the application is reviewed by the Secretary, they move to the next step.
The second step involves visiting (or video calling) institutions to inspect their facilities, faculty, education standard, etc.
Once the visit inspection report is submitted, our commission members review it, and if qualified, the institute gets IAOMM’s accreditation (full accreditation, online accreditation, or program accreditation).
The IAOMM accredited institutions are entitled to:
IAOMM grants accreditation to educational institutes, vocational institutions, distance learning centres, online courses, and corporations, and certification to professionals, qualified individuals, instructors, and students. IAOMM cannot confer any titles or degrees to the accredited institution’s students, nor can it authorize diplomas, work, opening an office, etc. IAOMM does not control or oversee the documents, certificates, diplomas, titles, degrees, rights, and authorizations issued by the accredited institution. All rights and legal liabilities belong to the institution that carries out the transaction. IAOMM periodically checks the educational quality of the institution and the currentness of the course/program curriculum and reports to the relevant institution.
The International Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine (IAOMM), founded in 2023, is a global, non-governmental, independent organization that provides quality assurance, rating, certification, and accreditation.
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