Global Presence

IAOMM has regional chapters and a presence in several locations worldwide to facilitate its international accreditation process.

IAOMM attempts to uphold quality standards for both traditional and non-traditional educational institutions and corporations across various regions globally. The organisation comprises experts who are well-versed in regional education and business dynamics, possessing the requisite expertise and knowledge to effectively serve these sectors.

These chapters are responsible for organising seminars, webinars, workshops, panels, conferences, and expos, which assist IAOMM in supporting educational institutions and other stakeholders within specific regions.



IAOMM is a non-governmental, independent, and international quality assurance, rating, certification, and accreditation association dedicated to enhancing the quality assurance standards of educational organisations globally, with a particular focus on Europe. Leveraging its global network of experts, IAOMM grants accreditation to universities, colleges, schools, educational institutes, vocational institutions, distance learning centres, online courses, and corporations. It also offers professional certification to professionals, qualified individuals, instructors, and students.

IAOMM provides institutional accreditation for organisations primarily focused on educational purposes and those offering education as a defined institutional objective within their operational entity, such as in-service corporate training. IAOMM accreditation may extend to educational institutions that offer programmes at locations other than their main headquarters, subject to specified conditions and controls. IAOMM can accredit all education and training organisations and programmes worldwide. Eligible institutions for accreditation include:

  • Universities and Higher Education Institutions,
  • Educational Institutes and Vocational Institutions,
  • Public or Private Colleges and Schools,
  • Distance Learning Centres and Online Courses,
  • Trade and Professional Associations,
  • Private Career/Business Schools,
  • Corporate Training Departments,
  • Intensive Language Programmes,
  • Trade and Professional Associations Training Programmes,
  • Religious Organisations and Ethical Societies,
  • For-profit or Non-profit Agencies, Associations, and Organisations,
  • Public Affairs and Cultural Societies,
  • Social Service, Volunteer, and Personal Development Organisations.


Like other legally established accrediting organisations, IAOMM does not grant academic credit or any other unit of educational measurement. Only educational institutions licensed or chartered by federal or state governments can award academic credits. Additionally, the transferability of academic credit between institutions is at the sole discretion of the involved institutions and is typically arranged through a formal articulation agreement between them.